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Important reminders....

  This week... Spring Fling As you know, this Thursday the Pre-Primaries are having their Spring Fling. Everyone was sent home a flyer with information and it was in last weeks blog.  The kids are asked to dress up in their ‘spring best!’ Think bright colours and florals! Please can you bring a small plate to share for our picnic lunch. Girls; a savoury treat and boys a sweet treat.' Open Classrooms Also a reminder of the Open Classrooms this Thursday from 2pm - 3.45pm. This is an opportunity to share your child's learning journey with them. Come in and have a look at the amazing learning that has been happening in Pre-Primary. Dance Concert The OLC dance concert is on Friday this week. It will be held in the hall starting at 11.30am. Please send your child to school dressed in their costume and bring their sport uniform to change into. Thanks everyone, This is the last time I will be using this platform to send you any information. I will be using SeeSaw from now on. If you ha
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Week 9 Term 3

Wow oh wow it is Week 9 already! How amazing is that. I cannot believe how fast this term has gone! A few things…   Spring Fling As a celebration of our term and a little ‘classroom warming’ we will be having a ‘Spring Fling’!!! Please see the invitation below. The kids are asked to dress up in their ‘spring best!’ Think bright colours and florals! Please can you bring a small plate to share for our picnic lunch. Girls; a savoury treat and boys a sweet treat.   Athletics Carnival Tomorrow is the Athletics carnival which commence at 9:15am. The PP classes will do one 50m running race and 2 team games. These will be straight after the Kindy race therefore if the day starts on time, around 9:25am and the team games will be straight after the running race. PP will stay down there for a little while afterwards however will come back to the classroom for the rest of a ‘normal’ day.   Seesaw From next term, the OLC blog posts will be discontinued, and we will be transitioning to using Seesaw

Week 7 Term 3

  Hi Everyone, Literacy This week we have continued to practise identifying single letters and sounds that we have already been taught and the digraphs 'ck', 'ff', 'll', 'ss' .  Our newly learnt digraphs are 'sh' as in ship and 'qu' as in queen. When we know these single sounds and digraphs automatically we become more successful readers and writers. Next week Week 8 Ms Turner will be away all of next week (Week 8) Kimochi Communication Key 3: Use a Talking Face and Body This week, your child will learn the third Kimochis® Key to Communication: Use a Talking Face and Body. We will practice strategies for maintaining a positive facial expression and body language when experiencing upset emotions and conflicts instead of a mean or hurtful facial expression (Fighting Face) and body language. When your child can keep his/her face and body from looking aggressive or hurtful, others will be more willing to listen. Your child will learn how to n

Week 6 Term 3

  Hi families, Fridays Mission Market/Feast Day was an absolute success!! Luckily the weather held off for us so the kids could enjoy an amazing day of fun. There were lots of smiles and some very happy kids after spending time with their buddies 'shopping' and engaging in some awesome activities. Book week On Wednesday the 21st of August, we will be celebrating Book Week with a Parade to showcase our favourite books and authors. On  Wednesday, please send your child dressed in their book week costume ready for a school parade, which will be held in the morning. We will also be participating in an afternoon of activities with our Buddies.  Kimochi Communication Key 2: 'Use a Talking Voice' This week, your child will learn the second Kimochis® Key to Communication: Use a Talking Voice. This key helps children stay aware of how they use the tone and volume of their voice. Sometimes when we have upset feelings, it is easy to yell or use a tone of voice that makes the situa

Week 5 Term 3

  WOW!! The last few weeks have really flown by!!  We are so excited to be in our new classroom!! It is hard to get used to having so much space but we are definitely not complaining!!  A few reminders.... Mission Markets and Feast Day (this Friday) This Friday, we build  appreciation and understanding of Mary as our Patroness; to understand and celebrate the Feast of the Assumption; to raise awareness of those less fortunate in the world, and to “give” as an antidote to need. Each class will be holding a 'stall' to raise money for those in need in our world. The students will move around the school with their Year 4 buddy and visit the stalls to purchase things or engage in an activity, such as: temporary tattoos bags of popcorn biscuit decorating bracelet making silent disco basket ball shoot out. Students are allowed to bring no more than $20 IN COINS. They should bring the coins in a clearly labelled snap lock bag (or labelled purse/wallet). It would be good idea to als

Week 2 Term 3

  Hi Parents and Carers, Week 2 is the start of our new gathering time routine. Each student has 2 days allocated to writing and 2 days allocated to reading. On writing days your child will sit at the table with the teacher or EA. They will draw a picture and then attempt to write about it. During this writing time the students will be drawing on the literacy skills and knowledge they have gained in our learning so far to construct words and create sentences. The teacher or EA will provide support or scaffolding as needs arise, but we are encouraging the students to be independent and 'have a go'.  If it is your child's writing day you are welcome to 'kiss and drop'. This will also be great practise for Year 1!!! On reading days your child will sit with a parent helper or their own parent and read a decodable text (either a physical decodable book or a decodable book on the iPad) or do their mastery folder. It is important that the student does not randomly guess or

Term 3 Week 1

  Welcome back PPT families!      I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing holiday and managed to enjoy some of the winter sunshine.   This term we welcome a new student to our class....Oscar van Herk. We are very excited to make you a part of the PPT family Oscar!!!   Th e next few weeks…   Please don’t forget to bring their hats back with them tomorrow!        Timetable   Please see below our updated timetable for this term/semester. Now we have included explicit digital literacy time as a result of our whole school professional development goals to ensure we are covering the ICT capabilities as per SCSA.      As the children begin to develop and progress in their writing capabilities, we have now included an explicit writing lesson to support the children in furthering their understanding in this space.      Gathering Time    As of Week 2, e ach student will be allocated two mornings a week where they will engage in a writing task and two mornings per week where they will en