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Showing posts from May, 2016
Good afternoon Parents, Here are some pictures from our busy time at school. A BIG THANK YOU to the wonderful DADS who helped us with our Mother's Day Craft! We hope you all had a wonderful day! Congratulations to our award winners, we are so proud of all the hard workers in PPL! Mrs. Martin and Mrs Leahy
Parent Helpers This week we will be starting out Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) on Tuesdays and Thursdays. PMP is a program which aims to develop a child's perceptions and understandings of him/her self and his/her world through movement/motor activities.  PMP provides multi sensory experiences which give the child a wide range of experiences in seeing, hearing, touching, processing the information, making perceptual judgements and reacting. It is sequentially structured so that the child gains progressively higher order skills. We need parent help in order for this program to run effectively. If you can, please place your name on our roster on any day. We also love help in our morning literacy sessions if you are able to come. Science We will need clean and empty containers such as toothpaste boxes, shampoo bottles, liquid soap bottles, soap packets. If you have any could you send them in. Homework/Activity Folders. Beginning this week your child will receive an activ

Welcome Back!!

Welcome back to Term 2 everyone!! We've been back only a short time but we have certainly achieved a lot so far. We would also like to welcome Hudson to our class. Gathering Time Writing As you are aware we have started 'writing' during gathering time. Each student has been allocated 2 days a week to do their writing. During this time please assist your child to draw a picture and then 'write' about their picture. Work together to identify sounds in the words they want to write. Talk about aspects of writing such as full stops and capital letters. Be positive and praise them for their efforts. Please write what they have written. The timetable for gathering time writing is pinned to our parent information board outside our classroom. New Days We have allocated new news days and new topics to talk about. If you can help your child to talk about what they might say when telling news to the class. The news roster is pinned to our parent information board outside