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Showing posts from October, 2018

World Outdoor Classroom Day

Tomorrow (Thursday 1/11) we will be participating in World Outdoor Classroom Day.  The Pre primary students will complete a series of play based learning activities in our outdoor area.  It would be great to have a couple of extra helpers on this morning.  If you can help then let us know.  We could also do with some help with resources on the day.  We need; 1.  Old sheets.  White or light in colour that you don't want back! 2.  Leaves.  Non toxic.  As many different sorts, shapes, colours that you can find.  A shopping bag full would be great.  3. Gum nuts.  We need a few hundred of these! 4. Small flat rocks.  Like the ones that come in bags from Bunnings for your garden.  If you have some of these that you haven't used we sure can make use of them.  5. Spray bottles. Empty and cleaned out.  6.  Boxes for box construction.  7.  Milk bottle lids.  8.  Lots of sticks.  In lengths of about 20cm.  Pencil thick.   If you can bring in some of these things it will be a

Term 4

Welcome back for the home run!! Not long now!!! This term will fly by!! A few notes about the term..... Gathering time The roster will remain the same as last term. Please remember that the days are flexible, if another day works better for you feel free to swap. Just remember to let your child try to attempt words themselves. Accurate spelling is not the focus - having a go is. Please praise their efforts no matter how big or small. During gathering time the students will also be practicing their sight word reading with our EA and may also be asked to read their home reader as well. This is all about reading milage, the more they read the better they will get. R eading the same book 3-5 times improves a reader's speed, confidence and fluency. It helps them to understand the book, and to read in phrases. It may sound a waste of time, and that your child needs to change their book as soon as it is finished but reading a text again really works, especially with early readers.