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Showing posts from July, 2021

Week 2 Term 3

  Dear Parents, I hope you had a lovely weekend.  Olympic Fever This week we will be talking about the Olympics.  If possible point out some footage of interesting sporting events so that your child is armed with some information to bring to discussions. Newspaper cuttings, print outs etc would be great to put on our Olympic information board.  We will be locating Japan - Tokyo - on the globe.  Discussing the different sporting events and importantly talking about the values of the Olympic games.  You may hear a little Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi as we watch some replays! On Friday we would like to have an OLYMPIC Day.  Your child can wear their favourite sport clothing or country colours and we will have a few simple sporting events together with PPB.  Parent Help.   This term we are going to ask for parent help on Wednesdays 9am - 10.40am. Parents will be required to assist chidlren when they are using Reading Eggs on the iPads during literacy rotations and to help with some prep w

Week 1 Term 3

Hi everyone I hope that you have all had a relaxing two weeks and I just know that your little super stars will be ready for the big term ahead.  Please feel free to send in holiday photos for the children to share with their classmates at any time  during news this week.  A formalnews roster, beginning next week, will be posted later in the week. This term we will focus on the language of recount.  How do we 'say' a recount?  How do we write a recount?  We will use holiday photos to begin the formal learning process.   Week one routines will be similar to last term.  Reading book exchange days, PLD pack due days and library exchange days will not change.  We will introduce some 'Tricky Word' homework during the week.  A parent letter will go with this to make it clear for you.   Please remember that we will only have canteen on Tuesdays and Thursdays this term but no canteen week 1. Please ensure that any overdue library books, home readers or comprehension packs (that