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Showing posts from March, 2018

Fantastic Fun Fridays

Dear Parents, As you have observed our Fridays are very busy, so it's about time I filled you in with how much fun we have been having together. The Pre-Primaries and Kindies have well and truly settled in to their Friday routine and  I am so proud of how well they are working together to look after one another and make new friends. In the morning, the Pre-Primaries have their programme and the Kindies continue on their weekly programme. Then they Both get to go to library together. In the afternoons we have integrated learning time as a whole class and even get to spend time with  PPB and the Year One's. We have the home corner open, construction, building, play dough, junk modelling, interest areas and the art tables. It's wonderful to see them playing and working so independently in the learning centres. In Pre-Primary On Fridays,  we have a big focus on measurement in mathematics. The children are also involved in rich literature and language experiences. Their

Easter Hats and Easter Raffle

A few notices..... Whole School Easter Raffle Just a reminder that each child is asked to bring in an easter egg as a donation to the school easter raffle. Pre primary Easter Hat Parade Each morning during Holy week the classes from Year 1-6 will be a performing a liturgy at 9am in the hall.  The Pre primaries will be involved by holding an Easter Hat Parade on Thursday morning (29th March). Everyone is more than welcome to come along. Easter Hat Making On Wednesday 28th March the Pre primaries will be making Easter hats/bonnets ready for the easter parade on Thursday morning. We will be making them from 2 - 3pm Wednesday afternoon and we will need lots of parent helpers. If you are able to help please write your name on our parent helper roster. The children will need to bring in items to decorate their easter hats with (stickers, coloured eggs, ribbons, streamers etc and something to use as a hat. An old hat or an ice cream bucket are fine. Parent Interviews At the end o

Half way!!! and a well earned rest.

A big thank you Thank you to the wonderful parents who came and helped out at our Busy Bee last weekend. Between us we managed to get a lot accomplished. You may have noticed the new balance beam in the Pre primary playground, a fabulous mulched area with a 'fire pit' to toast marshmellows, paving under the mud kitchen, a few freshly planted veggie gardens in the PP area and a new lease of life given to the Kindy veggie garden. These were a few of the things that we managed to do on that day. Thanks again to the parents that were able to come. The change is amazing and so gratefully appreciated. Some parents have mentioned donations of wood blocks, rocks etc. If you have something that you think may be handy please take a photo of it and show one of the PP teachers to see if it is suitable. We still have more to do in the next few weeks to finish off so if you could let us know as soon as possible that would be great. Alphabet sounds We have covered the sounds of S A T P I