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Showing posts from 2021

Week 8 Term 4

 Dear Parents, Transitioning to Year One.   As we draw closer to the end of the year and the beginning of Year One we are beginning to implement a few transitions in order to make Year One easier for our students.  Last week we ate our recess near the nature playground at the oval. This week we are eating our lunch near the hall with the 'big kids' to get used to their Year One lunch location.  PPL Christmas Concert Information The OLC Christmas Concert is Tuesday, 7th Dec (Week 9)  commences at 5:30pm, so please ensure that your child is here at 5:15pm. Your child will be required to attend their classroom by 5:15pm and will walk down to the oval as a class, while you can find a nice spot on the hill.   The theme for the end of year concert dress is ‘Casual Christmas Wear’. Christmas   colours , t-shirts, dresses etc and Christmas accessories are all perfect for the occasion.  PPL are performing a Chipmunks/rockstar themed dance. If your child would like to wear any 'rocks

Week 6 Term 4

Hi Everyone, What a beautiful weekend!!! I hope you enjoyed the sun and warmth. It's been a long time coming!! Sheree Knezevic This week is Sheree's last week in our classroom. We have loved having her with us for the last 6 weeks (especially me!!). Sadly we have to let her go but hopefully we will see her again!!. She has had such an amazing prac experience in our room and has been able to form such lovely relationships with all of the kids. I know they will miss her too!! I wish her all the best in her teaching, I know she will be loved and thoroughly appreciated where ever she goes. Vinnies Christmas Appeal  There will be a box at the front of PPL for collections for Vinnie's Christmas Appeal. Pre Primary families are asked to donate  Christmas Goodies: Choccies, bonbons, puddings,  etc  Please be generous and thoughtful in what you donate. Thank you in advance for your support and donations. 💗 Character Strengths  Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on model

Week 4 Term 4

 Dear Parents, Wellbeing Week   This week has been our school wellbeing week. Each day there has been a focus on a different kind of activity that can help to promote positive wellbeing for everyone at OLC.  Some activities that have taken place so far are yoga, guided meditations, mindfulness tapping, mindfulness colouring, square breathing and expressing gratitude. Tomorrow, students are asked to wear their  favo urite T-Shirt that makes them feel good  - it  can be a band, a colour or one with a positive message on it...up to them! Please still  wear their  regular sports bottoms  please. Character Strength. Our Character Strength that we are focusing on this week is:   Love of Learning. Science The children are really enjoying our topic of Living Things.  Our silk worm moths have begun laying more eggs!!!  Last week we did an experiment to see if cut flowers are still living.  Our question was Do they still drink water?  To do this we put cut flowers in water containing dye. We kep

Week 3 Term 4

 Hi Parents, Thank you to those that were able to come to our assembly on Friday. We are so proud of all of the kids, they performed so well. We had such a great time on our excursion with Josh that we really wanted to share it with everyone. I think we did an amazing job of showing you the amazing things that Josh taught us.  Grandparents Day  Grandparents are most welcome to come into school at 1.45pm on Friday 29 October. They will be welcomed into the classrooms and to attend our special assembly at 2.15 pm. Character Strengths  Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Love. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following? OLC

Week 2 Term 4

Dear Parents, I would like to share with you an email that we received during the week from a recipient of one of the plants that your children and their grandparents so lovingly potted up.  Hi there, you lovely Pre-Primary Children, This morning I went to the Dunsborough Library and outside the doors I saw one lonely little pot sitting with a note attached saying Please Adopt Me. It was a little Geranium. I would like you to know that my husband is very sick and I picked up the pot on my way out and took it home to him. He loves Geraniums and it did indeed bring a smile to his face when I brought it inside and he read the note explaining about your special gift of love.  I thought that you might like to know that you brought some special encouragement his way this morning and he is looking forward to seeing what colour the flower will be. It has found a space in what we call our Soul Garden in our back yard.  The plants and pots in the Soul Garden were all a gift to us from our nephew

Week 1 Term 4

Dear Parents, I hope you have all had a lovely holiday break. My kids and I went north to Coral Bay for the first week and enjoyed some awesome sunshine and warm weather. It was very hard to leave!!! We have a busy nine week term ahead of us.  We will be focusing on consolidating all learning so far, extending and enriching this and completing our prerequisite learning in readiness for a confident start to Year One.  Next weeks blog will contain more detail about our learning in Term Four.  Just a few reminders.... 1. Please ensure that your child's reading folder is returned each Monday and Wednesday ready for book exchange (and a Friday if you would like a book over the weekend).  2. Please make sure you are reading each week night. Each book should be read on two nights. The more times your child reads the same book the more chance they have of reading with fluency and success. 3.  Practise those 'Tricky Words'.  Five minutes each week night is all you need.  4.  Library

Week 10 Term 3

 Cultural Excursion Day!! First thing this morning we are heading off on the bus to Quindalup to meet with Josh Whiteland and learn a little about the cultural heritage of the area.  It is very exciting for the chidlren to travel on the bus but we hope that they are all calm and ready for their special day when they get to school.  Josh is so very interesting to listen to and your children will do some very special learning today. If possible please pack your child's morning tea in a  separate small lunch box  (if you don't normally do) because if the sun is shining we will take the opportunity to sit on the beach and have our morning tea.  Check to see if your child's name is clearly visible on their water bottle and morning tea box.  Book Week Don't forget to get your costumes ready for our Book Week celebrations.  The theme is Old Worlds, New Worlds - Other Worlds .... so it is very broad. If you get stuck for ideas or costumes just ask... I might be able to help.  I

Almost there.....

 Hi Parents, The end of term is so close yet so far!! We have a busy last week with lots happening. The kids in our class are doing so well considering there are a lot of tired faces but lets hang in there. A well earned rest and hopefully some nice weather is definitely needed!! Potatoes Last week we harvested the potatoes that we planted with Mr Lee months ago and yesterday we were able to enjoy the feasts of our labour!!! The kids enjoyed some delicious wedges and whole baked potatoes. We harvested so many that each child was able to bring home a little bag to share with their family. Seesaw This week there will be a mathematics assessment sample posted and a writing sample. A visual arts and reading sample will be posted early next week.  Please take the time to like or comment on these samples with some feedback for your child. Feel free to share your child's QR code for their Seesaw profile with other family members (Dad, Granny, Pop etc). I'm sure they would love to see

Week 8 Term 3

Dear Parents, I hope all of our Dad's had a wonderful day on Sunday and enjoyed the little gifts that their children made with love for them.   The weather couldn't have been better for such an important day!! RUOK? Day This Thursday the 9th of September is RUOK? Day.  As part of our Wellbeing plan we will be recognising this day at school.  We encourage all families to check in and make sure that loved ones, friends and the people around them are all doing OK! School Photos This Friday 10th of September  our school photos will be taking place. Please ensure your child comes to school ready wearing their  TEAL POLO SHIRT , black shorts or track pants, sandshoes and jumper.  Family photos will be taken before school from 8am on this Thursday- please see the office for more information about family photos if you need.    Character Strengths Dear Parents,  Currently at OLC we are focusing on modelling and observing different character strengths. This week we are looking for people

Week 6 Term 3

 Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was spent watching Archie's last game of footy for the season and celebrating with the team at their wind up. They had an awesome season!!  As you know there are a lot of coughs and colds going around at the moment. We had 7 kids away today!!!  English Over the last fortnight we have looked at more letters and the sounds they make. Some of these sound have been digraphs (two letters making one sound). Our new sounds are: 'sh' as in shop (sh is a digraph) 'qu' as in queen (qu is actually made up of 2 sounds 'k' and 'w') 'ee' as in keep (ee is a vowel digraph - it is 2 vowels making 1 sound) 'z' as in zip 'zz' as in buzz (zz is a digraph and is found at the end of words) The other digraphs we now know are: 'ck' a in duck, 'll' as in bell, 'ss' as in kiss and 'ff' as in puff. We are starting to learn all about writing on lines called 'dotte

Week 4 Term 3

Hi Parents, I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We have a busy week coming up. Just letting you know that Miss P will be working Thursday (as usual) and Friday this week. I will be off to get a COVID vac on Friday as well as taking my daughter to get her high school uniforms!!! (Their uniform shop is only open when I work) I don't think I am ready for a high school kid!! Where did those years go??? English We are continuing our explicit literacy lessons using Initialit and the kids are so proud to show what they know. Last week we looked at the letter w as well as some 'diagraphs' (two letters making one sound). For example: 'ck' making the 'k' sound as in sick, 'ss' making the 's' sound as in kiss, 'ff' making the 'f' sound as in puff and 'll' making the 'l' sound as in bell. We have also learnt that there are some very special letters called 'vowels' that are found in almost every single word!!! The Vowe