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Showing posts from April, 2020

Term 2 Week 1 Home Learning Information

Hi Parents, I hope you are all feeling ok with the idea of more learning from home with your child for this Term. It is really tricky for everyone to make a schooling decision for our children based on the information we hear from the government, the health authorities as well as CEWA (Catholic Education Western Australia). The global situation changes daily and we as teachers follow directions from CEWA as to how we are to provide learning for our students. If your child is attending school they will be in our classroom and will be supervised by me. They will be doing the same learning and activities as the children learning from home. We will assist the children with hand washing when they get to school and throughout the day. Currently we have a very small number of children returning to school this week. If you have decided to send your child you will need to inform the office as soon as possible. I hope this all makes sense. The following links will take you to the Home Lea

Welcome back....sort of. Term 2

Hi Everyone, Welcome back to Term 2!! I hope you have all enjoyed being at home as much as you could. I've loved being able to slow down and spend time with my kids. I have had a look at all of the amazing work being posted on SeeSaw. It is a really easy way of showing how we going. I loved seeing everyone and especially hearing their voices!! Again, this Terms learning will be happening at home unless you need to go back to work. The children who come to school will be doing the same work as those who are learning from home. We will do our best at adhering to social distancing rules and keeping manipulatives clean. Term 2 Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will post the home learning plan for Week One.  This will be supported by a home learning package that can be picked up from school either today or Tuesday.   When planning our home learning we take into account the fact that parents have to fit home learning around their daily timetables.  Whilst we have put together a simple timetabl

Week 10 Term 1, the holidays and Introducing Seesaw

Dear Parents, Thank you for all of the efforts you are putting in to help your child continue to learn at home.  Please find following the main learning focus for Week 10 of T erm 1 and over the holidays and important information regarding getting Seesaw set up for future learning. If you need any assistance please send us an email, we are happy to help in any way we can.  Literacy Week 10 and the holidays - Alphabet focus:   Letter 'x': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter Letter 'y': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter Letter 'z': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter.

Just a quick hello!!

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all well and safe out there in home learning land!!! I have made a couple of videos for our is a hi from me, then a couple of stories I have read for the kids to listen to. Click on the following links. Greetings from Mrs Leahy Story - Traction Man is Here. Story - Ella Kazoo will not go to sleep It would be great if you could send me a photo of something your child has been doing or just of your child waving to their friends. I will add them to the blog and send it out so everyone can have a look at what we've all been up to. Send them to my email address. I hope your home learning has been going ok. Please don't hesitate to email me with any issues, problems or celebrations. I'd love to know how everyone is doing. We are currently getting things organised for the home learning that will happen in Term 2. We are testing our tech skills and will need you parents to get your tech hats on too soon. One app we will be usi