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Showing posts from June, 2017

Grandparents Day and Our Kimochi Assembly

Well done to all of the wonderful students in our class for their amazing effort at our first ever assembly!!! We had so much fun practicing and then performing. What an amazing turn out we had for our Grandparents Day. It was so heartfelt and beautiful to see all the excited students eagerly waiting at the door for their grandparents. Thank you for coming!!! Have a safe and relaxing holiday! Kristie and Alison

End of Term 2

End of Term 2! Wow, we can't believe how fast the first half of the year has flown by! Thank you for supporting all the fabulous learning we have achieved in Pre Primary, here is a snap shot of what we've been up to..... wishing you all a fabulous holiday! see you next term Mrs Martin & Mrs Leahy