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Showing posts from November, 2021

Week 8 Term 4

 Dear Parents, Transitioning to Year One.   As we draw closer to the end of the year and the beginning of Year One we are beginning to implement a few transitions in order to make Year One easier for our students.  Last week we ate our recess near the nature playground at the oval. This week we are eating our lunch near the hall with the 'big kids' to get used to their Year One lunch location.  PPL Christmas Concert Information The OLC Christmas Concert is Tuesday, 7th Dec (Week 9)  commences at 5:30pm, so please ensure that your child is here at 5:15pm. Your child will be required to attend their classroom by 5:15pm and will walk down to the oval as a class, while you can find a nice spot on the hill.   The theme for the end of year concert dress is ‘Casual Christmas Wear’. Christmas   colours , t-shirts, dresses etc and Christmas accessories are all perfect for the occasion.  PPL are performing a Chipmunks/rockstar themed dance. If your child would like to wear any 'rocks

Week 6 Term 4

Hi Everyone, What a beautiful weekend!!! I hope you enjoyed the sun and warmth. It's been a long time coming!! Sheree Knezevic This week is Sheree's last week in our classroom. We have loved having her with us for the last 6 weeks (especially me!!). Sadly we have to let her go but hopefully we will see her again!!. She has had such an amazing prac experience in our room and has been able to form such lovely relationships with all of the kids. I know they will miss her too!! I wish her all the best in her teaching, I know she will be loved and thoroughly appreciated where ever she goes. Vinnies Christmas Appeal  There will be a box at the front of PPL for collections for Vinnie's Christmas Appeal. Pre Primary families are asked to donate  Christmas Goodies: Choccies, bonbons, puddings,  etc  Please be generous and thoughtful in what you donate. Thank you in advance for your support and donations. 💗 Character Strengths  Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on model

Week 4 Term 4

 Dear Parents, Wellbeing Week   This week has been our school wellbeing week. Each day there has been a focus on a different kind of activity that can help to promote positive wellbeing for everyone at OLC.  Some activities that have taken place so far are yoga, guided meditations, mindfulness tapping, mindfulness colouring, square breathing and expressing gratitude. Tomorrow, students are asked to wear their  favo urite T-Shirt that makes them feel good  - it  can be a band, a colour or one with a positive message on it...up to them! Please still  wear their  regular sports bottoms  please. Character Strength. Our Character Strength that we are focusing on this week is:   Love of Learning. Science The children are really enjoying our topic of Living Things.  Our silk worm moths have begun laying more eggs!!!  Last week we did an experiment to see if cut flowers are still living.  Our question was Do they still drink water?  To do this we put cut flowers in water containing dye. We kep