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Showing posts from April, 2019

Beginning of Term 2

Dear Parents, I hope you had an amazing holiday and took full advantage of the beautiful weather in this last week!!! Term Two is shaping up to be another busy one so here are a few bits of information to assist you in making a smooth start to the term. Literacy It is expected that the children will now be able to recognise and recall the sound for each letter of the alphabet.  Each child will be retested this week to ensure that recall is consistent and you will receive a letter outlining any letters that are causing problems for your child.  Literacy groups will now be differentiated to cater for the varying needs of groups of children.  Whilst some will require revision others are ready to take on new learning in readiness for reading and writing. The main focus this term, for most children, will be to blend and segment CVC words.  (consonant - vowel - consonant).  The ability to blend three sounds is a precursor to reading and the ability to segment is necessary for spelling.