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Showing posts from 2019

Excursion photos and general info Week 8

Dear Parents, Preprimary Excursion. First of all a big congratulations to the preprimary students for their amazing behaviour and delightful participation in the preprimary excursion last week. We were very proud of our little people as they sat down to a beautiful Chinese meal and displayed perfect manners while they ate. A few of our children who were a little concerned about eating Chinese food changed their tune when they saw how good it was. As predicted, the icecreams at Simmos were a huge hit, and the children had some fun in the playground while they were there. For many children the experience of being on the big bus was the highlight of the day. Preprimary playground action! On Wednesday Frank Giglia and Rod Williams laid the cement for our preprimary bike path.  It was a beautiful day so we t