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Showing posts from September, 2017

Last day!!! One Term to go!!!

Thank you everyone for a wonderful term. The children have moved along in leaps and bounds!! Enjoy a well earned rest over the holidays!! Unfortunately we were unable to plant the trees today as the weather was too wild and wooly. Olden Days Day What an awesome day we had on Wednesday!! The children were fabulously engaged in every 'olden days' activity. The activities for the day included making butter, cooking damper, finger knitting a bracelet, sewing a bookmark, creating a doll using a wooden spoon, playing hopscotch and marbles as well as knuckle bones, pick up sticks and listening to stories from a long time ago. Here are some photos of the day. Thank you  Kristie and Alison

Sports Day 2017

Dear Parents, Here are some photos from our wonderful SPORTS DAY last week. We had so much fun and are very proud of everyone for participating and doing their best! We painted pictures of ourselves and wrote all about our day, what clever kids we have in PPL!! Mrs Martin & Mrs Leahy  

busy busy in PPL

Dear Parents, What a busy few weeks it's been! Father's Day, Musical, Sports Day and a many wonderful learning opportunities! We hope your little ones are enjoying themselves and squeezing in a few early nights! Here are some pictures of what we've been up to. Enjoy a restful weekend ahead, one more week until holidays. Mrs Martin & Mrs Leahy

Sports carnival, Olden Days day, Outdoor Classroom Day

Sports Carnival Just a reminder that the OLC Sports Carnival is tomorrow. The PP's can wear their coloured faction top and either their tracksuit pants or shorts - whatever they are comfortable in. Olden Days Day Earlier this term we told you that we were to have an Olden Days Dress Up Day at the end of this term.  It will next Wednesday the 20th of September. Please dress your child in a costume from 'yesteryear'.  The costume can be from any era. As you dress your child please talk to them about what they are wearing so that they can share this information with their classmates. eg.  Braces are for holding up your 'trousers'.  Caps are for keeping your head warm.  Bonnets are for keeping the sun off your head and face.  Girls wore lace up boots to keep their feet dry in the olden days.  Ladies wore gloves to protect their skin from the sun...or to look elegant. Ladies put their long hair up in buns as that was the fashion.  Ladies wore long skirts as some