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Showing posts from February, 2018

Busy Bees, Library books and Comprehension packs.

Thank you all for your attendance at our parent Information Session.  We  had almost  a 100% turn out. Please come and see me if you were unable to attend for any information you may have missed. Tired Children Mrs Birch happened across this article on the big wide web and we felt it was very appropriate to share with you all at this time. The article refers to Kindy children but please remember your children are now, suddenly, full time at school.  Please click on the link below. A letter to mum from your child. Dad's to read too! Be reassured that we are considering your child's needs constantly.  We allow for rest times, regular water and toilet breaks.  Please speak to us if you are worried at all about your child. Busy Bee Excitement As mentioned at the Parent Information Night we have a Busy Bee on this Saturday.  It is very close.  Starry from our class has offered to do some work and add his ideas and some PPB parents have offered plants and painting skill