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Welcome back....sort of. Term 2

Hi Everyone,

Welcome back to Term 2!! I hope you have all enjoyed being at home as much as you could. I've loved being able to slow down and spend time with my kids. I have had a look at all of the amazing work being posted on SeeSaw. It is a really easy way of showing how we going. I loved seeing everyone and especially hearing their voices!!
Again, this Terms learning will be happening at home unless you need to go back to work. The children who come to school will be doing the same work as those who are learning from home. We will do our best at adhering to social distancing rules and keeping manipulatives clean.

Term 2
Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will post the home learning plan for Week One.  This will be supported by a home learning package that can be picked up from school either today or Tuesday.  When planning our home learning we take into account the fact that parents have to fit home learning around their daily timetables.  Whilst we have put together a simple timetable we do not expect you to adhere to this and want you to adjust your learning sessions to times that work for both you and your child.  The use of  the SEESAW programme is very important so if you have not yet logged in please do so.  If you are experiencing difficulty with SEESAW then please let me know.

All children MUST wash their hands before entering the classroom and parents are not permitted in the room. Formal handwashing will occur regularly during the day.
Mr Lee has sent out a information explaining drop off and pick up routines.
If your child is unwell they must not come to school.

Whether your child is at home or at school the teachers are here for you.  I am more than happy to give you a phone call to chat about any issues that you are having or concerns that are worrying you.
Just email me to arrange a suitable time.
Dependent on weekly numbers, Mrs Birch and I may take turns to teach thus allowing each other time to make contact with our learners at home.  We would normally be differentiating between the two groups and team teaching in Term Two anyway.

Beginning of Term Drive By
We will be having a Welcome Back To Term 2 Drive By on Tuesday 28th April at 11am

Thank you to those who have already let me know what access you have to devices at home. This will help me to plan activities for everyone. If you haven't already told me could you please let me know as soon as possible.

Mathletics is up and running now too for your child to access. There are a few activities assigned at the moment and will be updated over time. If you don't have your child's log in just send me an email and I'll forward it to you.

The Leahy Baby Guinea Pigs
Say hello to Cash, CB and Squeaks.




Look what we've all been up to over the last few weeks.....

Kristie Leahy


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