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Week 10 Term 1, the holidays and Introducing Seesaw

Dear Parents,
Thank you for all of the efforts you are putting in to help your child continue to learn at home. 
Please find following the main learning focus for Week 10 of Term 1 and over the holidays and important information regarding getting Seesaw set up for future learning.
If you need any assistance please send us an email, we are happy to help in any way we can. 

Week 10 and the holidays - Alphabet focus: 

Letter 'x': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter

Letter 'y': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter

Letter 'z': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter.

Letter 'q': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter

Letter 'v': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter

Letter 'w': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter

Letter 'j': Identifying the sound it makes, words that begin with that sound and correctly forming that letter

Don't forget to make use of 'Reading Eggs' to consolidate alphabet learning. 'Teach Your Monster to Read' is also a great literacy learning tool if you haven't already sign up to it.


Week 10 and over the holidays Numeracy focus:
  • Play a game where your child orders the number cards then hides their eyes while you remove a number card. Your child has to identify which number is missing. Extend to 2 or more numbers taken out. For a further challenge get you child to order the numbers backwards (10-0 or 20-0) then remove a number. Again get your child to identify which number is missing. By moving the numbers so your child can't see the gap from the missing number will challenge them further and require them to read each number 
  • Place one number in front of your child and have them identify and write the numeral that comes before and/or after it. Start with numbers from 0-10 and extend to numbers 11-20 if your child is having success at 0-10.
  • Choose 3 random numbers between 0-10. Place them in front of your child in a random order. Have your child make those numbers using small objects. Compare each pile - which is smaller/larger? Which has more/less? Put the piles in order from largest to smallest/smallest to largest, most to least/least to most. Extend to numbers between 11-20.

Home Learning Pack for Week 10 and over the holidays (you have already received)
Each pack includes:
  • Letter x, y, z, q, v, w, j activity and colouring page
  • Alphabet sound writing: focusing on identifying the sound a picture starts with, matching the letter and practising to write the letter (for the letters f, g, u, l, o, b, j, z, w, v, y, k)
  • Writing beginning sounds with correct formation: focusing on identifying the beginning sound of the picture and write the letter with correct formation (for the letterf, g, u, l, o, b, j, z, w, v, y, k
  • Number booklet to practise the numbers 1-10.
  • Easter activities

Science: 'How the Sun Changes Everything'
Week 10: Hot spots 
Why do reptiles lie on a road, the sand or a path on a warm day? Ask children to relate childhood stories of walking on a hot footpath, a hot road or on hot beach sand. Some places in the world are not like Australia. Some are very, very cold and others are very, very hot. Find cold and hot places around the world using a globe, world map or the internet. How do children in cold countries keep themselves warm? How do children in hot countries keep cool? How did people keep themselves warm or cool before electric heaters and air conditioners were invented?

Over the Holidays - Melting ice: 
 Place an ice cube into your child’s hand. Ask them what it feels like?
How quickly can an ice cube melt in the sun? Place an ice cube into a cup. Then select a place outside where they think their ice cube will melt fastest. Check the progress over regular time intervals. Look at what happened to decide if this place was best suited to melt the ice cube. Ice cubes or ice blocks can be made in plastic cups or ice cream containers to provide many great investigations into melting. Observe a coloured ice block melting in water. How does it melt? Which part melts first? Predict how long it takes to melt an ice cube or ice block, and then test this prediction. What happens to a melting ice cube if you place different objects, such as a key, on the ice cube? Make sure the ice is placed into a container to collect the melting water.

Holy Week - The Story of Easter
These videos show the story of Easter. Please watch them in order.

The Story of Easter (The Triumphal Entry)

The Story of Easter (The Last Supper)

The Story of Easter (Jesus' Sacrifice)

If you are unsure of what happened during Holy Week following is a very basic description of what happened on each day. This may help you discuss Holy Week/The Story of Easter with your child this week.
What Happened During Holy Week: (The Cheat Sheet)
§  Palm Sunday: Liturgical color, red. Jesus rides a donkey into Jerusalem, the people wave palm branches at him shouting “Hosanna”. 
§  Holy Monday: Liturgical color, purple. Jesus and his disciples go into the temple, and Jesus overturns the tables since people are selling things rather than praying there. 
§  Holy Tuesday: Liturgical color, purple. Jesus and the disciples return to the temple and teach the people many things with parables and give the people the new commandment. 
§  Holy Wednesday (AKA Spy Wednesday): Liturgical color, purple. Judas agrees to hand over Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
§  Holy Thursday (AKA Green Thursday): Liturgical color, white. Jesus has the Last Supper, which is the institution of the Eucharist and also the first mass. He also washes the feet of his disciples. Jesus asks his disciples to pray in the garden with him all night, and they fall asleep. 
§  Good Friday: Liturgical color, black. Jesus dies on the cross. All the things from the stations of the cross happen this day.

§  Holy Saturday: Jesus is dead in the tomb. The evening of Holy Saturday is considered the “vigil”, and Easter celebrating can begin then.

Introducing Seesaw
We are introducing Seesaw as a method to both communicate with our students and to post learning activities in the future.
This will allow us to view what the chidlren are doing and to give them feedback.

In the near future you will receive an email with attached set up instructions and a sign in code.

Please sign in with your Home Learning code following the steps below:

1.  Students go to  on a computer.  Or install the Seesaw CLASS iOS or Android app. 
2.  Tap "I'm a Student".
3.  Scan or type in your Home Learning code.
4.  Post to your journal, respond to activities, and view class announcements. 
5.  Remember, this code is like a password.  Keep it safe!

Test announcements will be posted mid next week.  Please be set up to go by then.
We aim to ustilise Seesaw as our main method of communciation moving into next term and to continue its use once the children return so that you can see what they are up to at school. 

If you are challenged by this process please email your class teacher for assistance.

Below are some links to videos that the fabulous Mr McSevich has made to assist you as you learn about this new programme. 

Access and log in to Seesaw.

Post a photo on Seesaw

Post a drawing on Seesaw

Good luck!

Home Learning Grids
Remember to have a look at the home learning grids shared on week 7's blog for more ideas on what you can do with your child at home.

Thank you for your support
Kristie Leahy and Julie Birch


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