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Week 6 Term 4

Hi Everyone,

What a beautiful weekend!!! I hope you enjoyed the sun and warmth. It's been a long time coming!!

Sheree Knezevic

This week is Sheree's last week in our classroom. We have loved having her with us for the last 6 weeks (especially me!!). Sadly we have to let her go but hopefully we will see her again!!. She has had such an amazing prac experience in our room and has been able to form such lovely relationships with all of the kids. I know they will miss her too!! I wish her all the best in her teaching, I know she will be loved and thoroughly appreciated where ever she goes.

Vinnies Christmas Appeal 
There will be a box at the front of PPL for collections for Vinnie's Christmas Appeal. Pre Primary families are asked to donate Christmas Goodies: Choccies, bonbons, puddings,  etc Please be generous and thoughtful in what you donate. Thank you in advance for your support and donations. 💗

Character Strengths 
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths:
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Perspective. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

Term 4 Important Dates:

24th November – OLC AGM meeting
7th December – Whole school Christmas Concert (LOCK THIS ONE IN!)
10th December – Colour Run and Last day for students

Some updates from Mrs Knezevic...


Last week the children looked at the basic needs of a living thing and how they can use their scientific skills to explain this. students look at the needs of plants and animals and discuss if they have the same needs. This week we look at the connection with living things, such as vegetables, and healthy eating.  


This week we will be busy revising activities such as spelling tricky words, looking at strategies we can use when we read, and practice writing sentences. These activities are only a small look at what strategies we will practice to become better at spelling, reading, and writing. 


Last week we looked at sharing an amount between to two items. The children made fair share through using objects that they would share in real life scenarios.  

This week we look at ordinal numbers by racing against each other, lining up and ten pin bowling. These activities are engaging and a great way to learn about Mathematics in a fun way. 


Kristie Leahy and Sheree Knezevic


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