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Term 3 Week 1

 Welcome back PPT families!  


I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing holiday and managed to enjoy some of the winter sunshine.  This term we welcome a new student to our class....Oscar van Herk. We are very excited to make you a part of the PPT family Oscar!!!


The next few weeks… 

Please don’t forget to bring their hats back with them tomorrow!  



Please see below our updated timetable for this term/semester. Now we have included explicit digital literacy time as a result of our whole school professional development goals to ensure we are covering the ICT capabilities as per SCSA.  


As the children begin to develop and progress in their writing capabilities, we have now included an explicit writing lesson to support the children in furthering their understanding in this space.  


Gathering Time  

As of Week 2, each student will be allocated two mornings a week where they will engage in a writing task and two mornings per week where they will engage in a reading task during gathering time. At this stage in the children's development, they will be experimenting with writing and reading, and this will look different for everyone. All attempts are encouraged and celebrated. Please see below a roster where your child has been allocated which day they will engage in reading and writing. It is important that children arrive promptly at 8:30am to ensure they have enough time to participate in these learning activities whilst also having time to settle in and play with their friends. The reading task will be completed with yourself or the person that drops your child off in the mornings. This may look like reading a decodable book or doing the child’s mastery word folder. The writing task will be completed independently with support from myself. I will be sitting with a small group of children whose day it is to write to guide them in participating in the learning; therefore, the child will not need any extra support from whoever drops them off. As a result of this learning, we will be less available in the mornings so please seek the EA in the room or feel free to contact me via email. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know.  


Parent Helpers 

Parent helpers are back for this term! If you are available to help out for any time during the mornings we would love for you to pop your name down when you can. Thank you in advance!  


Building Update 

Today we had one of our first looks in the almost completed classrooms. As specified in last terms newsletter, the classrooms have been delayed a few weeks however we are hoping to get the go ahead for our move within the next few weeks! Please understand that over the next few weeks, parts of our current classroom may become a little bare as we begin to slowly prepare to make our move to the new PP classrooms! We appreciate your understanding through this time and will update you all on any further updates we receive! As you can imagine; we are just as eager to get into our new spaces as the children are!  


Keeping Safe 

This term, the children will be learning some concepts relating to Protective Behaviours through the program Keeping Safe. Very soon the children will be taking part in the Keeping Safe lesson about body parts. We will be reading stories and emphasising the fact that all parts of their body are private. I understand that the children may laugh and giggle when we talk about the anatomical names, but this is important for every child to know.  This is also a compulsory part of the curriculum. Over the next few weeks, we will be talking to the children about: 

• correct anatomical names of sexual body parts 

• the whole body is private  

appropriate and inappropriate touching. 

Research shows that knowing the anatomically correct language terms enhances children’s body image, self-confidence, and openness. 

This is in conjunction with the Child Protection Curriculum which has been mandated in all schools in Western Australia. Please feel free to email and ask any further questions you may have in regards to this.  


Learning Goals  

This term we will be introducing individual learning goals. Each child will be working towards a different learning goal in literacy such as using spaces in-between their words or using a capital letter to start a sentence. Each time the children are able to show this skill during learning time they will get to colour in one out of the five stars! When they colour in all five stars they will get to show their skill to their buddy or Mrs Hegney/Mr T/Mrs Myers. We will begin to implement this once we settle into this term and we believe the children are ready! 



A reminder that library is on Tuesday afternoons. We will be choosing a book on our first day back.



This term we have decided to substitute news for something else exciting so stay tuned over the next few weeks as we settle into the term! 


Important dates this term;  

  • Monday 12th August Student and Staff Free Day 

  • Thursday 16th August OLC Feast Day and Mission Market 

  • Week 6 Book Week  

  • Thursday 12th September Athletics Day 

  • Thursday 19th September Student Learning Journey  

  • Friday 20th September K-6 Dance Concert and last day of term 

Kristie and the PPT team


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