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Week 9 Term 3

Wow oh wow it is Week 9 already! How amazing is that. I cannot believe how fast this term has gone! A few things…

Spring Fling
As a celebration of our term and a little ‘classroom warming’ we will be having a ‘Spring Fling’!!! Please see the invitation below. The kids are asked to dress up in their ‘spring best!’ Think bright colours and florals! Please can you bring a small plate to share for our picnic lunch. Girls; a savoury treat and boys a sweet treat.
Athletics Carnival
Tomorrow is the Athletics carnival which commence at 9:15am. The PP classes will do one 50m running race and 2 team games. These will be straight after the Kindy race therefore if the day starts on time, around 9:25am and the team games will be straight after the running race. PP will stay down there for a little while afterwards however will come back to the classroom for the rest of a ‘normal’ day.
From next term, the OLC blog posts will be discontinued, and we will be transitioning to using Seesaw as our main point of communication from parents to teacher/classroom. It is very exciting as we will be streamlining our communication and anything you hear from myself or your child will be through Seesaw. We will be still using emails so please always feel free to communicate that way otherwise messages through Seesaw is another great option. You will see me do a few ‘test’ announcements next week so please react to them if you have read them! Any questions, just let me know.
PP will be having their Grandparent themed prayer assembly on Friday the 18th of October. This is Week 2 of Term 4. Just as a little ‘heads up’ we will be asking the kids to dress up as their/a grandparent so, if you have some time over the holidays to organise this costume that would be amazing.

Other things next week
A reminder that we have our Learning Journey afternoon and Dance Concert next week!
Next time you hear from me it will be via Seesaw! Yay! As always, any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out via email or Seesaw.
Many thanks,
Kristie and the PPT Team


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