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Week 2 Term 2

Hi Everyone,

Ms Turner will be out of the classroom Tuesday 23rd April while she attends a Numeracy PD.

This week the PP's have 2 visiting Occupational Therapists in our classrooms. They are completing screening on each student. Please read the following letter from Potential Therapy for Children for information regarding the screening.

OT screening - Potential Therapy


So far we have learnt that letters have both a name and a sound. The students need to be able to recognise what the letter looks like, what it sounds like and how to write it. So far we have learnt : m, s, t, a, p.  Feel free to practise these letters at home. Look for them in books, write them in the shower etc. Mastering each letter will help with learning to read and write!!!


Currently in math we have been looking at shapes and their properties or attributes. We know that circles only have one side/edge and no corners!! Both squares and rectangles have 4 sides and 4 corners but rectangles have 2 short sides and 2 long sides. Triangles have 3 sides and 3 corners. I wonder if you can spot any of those shapes around your house. We saw a lot of those shapes in our lunch boxes. Don't forget to try and spot numbers around the house too!!


In science so far we determining whether something is natural or man-made.


We are experimenting with Inquiry based learning in our HASS lessons. Today we looked at a lot of items in a talking tub. We saw photos, cameras, pictures of families, birthdays, weddings etc. I wonder where our inquiry will take us??? What this space....


Next week we will be sending home a reading sheet for homework. It will be a chance to practise recognising the sounds we have learnt so far and trying to use those sounds to read words!!!

Some important dates...

Monday 15th April - Term 2 Commences
Thursday 25th April - ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Sunday 12th May - Mother's Day
Tuesday 14th May - Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday 15th May - Scholastic Book Fair
Friday 17th May - Student Free Day
Monday 27th - 31st May - National Reconciliation Week
Monday 27th May - School Photos
Tuesday 28th May - School Photos
Thursday 20th June - OLC's Got Talent
Thursday 27th June - Whole School Mass
Friday 28th June - Last Day of Term


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