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Week 3 Term 2

 Dear Parents/Carers,

A few things for this week;

Morning Mats 

This week we are changing up the morning routine and asking the children to complete a ‘morning mat’ with their parent/family member when they come into the classroom instead of just their name. Each child will have their full name to practice with 2 small literacy and/or numeracy tasks to do. I went through the morning mats with the children on Friday so they know what to expect! Please can you encourage your child to complete their morning mat when they arrive at school before finding an activity to do. Any questions or concerns please let me know.


Good morning

Please can you continue to encourage your child to say good morning to myself, Mrs Sweeny, Mrs Torrese or Ms Kent when they come through the door in the morning. We are continuing to teach them that it is a sign of a respect to look someone in the eye and greet them when they come into the classroom! Thank you so much for those parents/care givers that are doing this already.


Practise reading sheets

The children will receive practise reading sheets today just outlining the sounds we have already learnt. If you have time at home to practice what letters make what sounds as well as how to blend/make/write words that would be great. We understand that this may not always be possible therefore just do what you can! So many of the children are loving learning how to read and write words! It has been so amazing to see.


Parent help

Starting in Week 4, we would like to ask for a parent helper from about an hour (8:45 – 9:45) each day, each morning. Our helper will work one on one with each child revisiting learnt numbers, letters and sounds and words specific to each child. There will be a roster ready today for you to pop your name down if you’re available. It can be a grandparent or other family members as well. We thank you all in advance!


PPT team


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