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Week 11 Term 2

 Wow!! What a long term! We are finally at the last week and are halfway through your child's Pre Primary journey. Your child's foundation year at school is - I think - probably one of the most important years at school.  I am sure you are astounded by how much learning they have done already this year and there is a lot more to be done. So, thank you for your support along the way.  Little things like making sure your child has a reading folder and listening to them read for 5 minutes each night are very important. So, thank you for all that you do!

End of Term

Please make sure that all library and PLD books have been returned, they won't be receiving a new one this week. All home readers should be returned by Wednesday.

Hats will be sent home on Thursday for a wash.  Please make sure you return them on the first day back next term.

If you haven't yet sent the requested family photos, could you please send them this week so we can finalise our learning. (A few photos of immediate and extended family photos and one of family involved in a celebration.)

Semester One Reports 

These are currently being finalised and formal reports will be sent home in electronic form via SEQTA on the final day of term.


This week we celebrate NAIDOC week through various activities and a whole school liturgy held on Wednesday. 

Fishing Day in PP

On Tuesday both Pre Primary classes will engage in a fun fishing day to celebrate the end of term. We will be engaging in various fishing related activities and will have fish and chips for lunch.  If your child won't be eating the fish and chips please pack a lunch for them and let me know. Thanks go to Miss Anderson for organising this fun and exciting day.

Crazy Hair Day

Thursday 27th of June is crazy hair day. If your child would like to participate, please provide a gold coin donation.

Thank you for all of your amazing support this semester. The personal growth each child had made is amazing. We are really proud of these very special little people!! 

Thanks, and enjoy some well earned time off!!

Kristie and the PPT team


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