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Week 9 Term 2

 Dear Parents and Carers,

Can you believe it? Only 14 days of school to go, it has been a big term! Thank you for your continued support with your children's learning. We are blessed to have such a lovely parent group. Our literacy and numeracy learning is really picking up pace now and the children are coping well however we are now entering the hard part of term when the children become tired and are ready for a break. We are very aware of this and break up the learning with lots of fun and laughter. Our outdoor play is very important to us so we make sure to utilise the gaps between the rain!

Key learning in Pre Primary


  • Identifying the sounds of these letters: m, s, t, a, p, i ,r, f, o, c, d, h, e.
  • reading and remembering these tricky words: the, a, I, my, is, to, was, you
  • reading and writing CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words using known letters
  • constructing simple sentences (orally and written) that includes: who, what, where, when.
  • looking at small numbers within larger numbers (5 and 3 are inside 8)
  • looking at numbers that combine to make 10 (6+4, 5+5, 7+3 etc)
  • looking at the sequence of numbers and how it doesn't change when counting either forwards or backwards
  • identifying numbers that are one more or one less (one more than 5 is 6, one less than 5 is 4)
  • looking at 'half' where they are 'equal' shares
  • identifying whether something is longer, shorter or the same in length.

Reading Folders/Tricky words

If you haven’t bought in a reading folder yet could you please bring one in before the end of the term! Some children have shown reading readiness and have been given a reader already. Many children haven’t yet so each Monday they will receive their homework sheet in their reading bags without a book. 

If your child is receiving a reading book please return the reading folder on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday so a new book can be allocated. Don't forget to record that the book has been read twice. Any questions about this please just ask as it can be a little tricky to explain with all the kids at different stages!

This week the kids also made their own ‘tricky word’ memory game that will be sent home! If you have a chance to play this over the next few weeks it would be great for the kids to practice these tricky words!

Latest reading homework sheets

Comprehension Packs

Comprehension packs have now changed from Wednesday return date to Tuesdays. Please can you return the comprehension packs on Tuesdays (along with their library books!). Thank you so much in advance!

Family photos reminder

During our inquiry lessons we are following our interest in cameras and what they capture for us. We would love to look more closely at family photos over the coming weeks. If possible, could you please provide a copy of family photos that capture your child's immediate family as well as photos that show extended family members (grandparents, aunties, uncles, cousins). These photos can be general photos, as well as photos that capture family events, celebrations or even one that provides a special memory for someone. (Include some information for the photo if possible). Feel free to email a copy of these photos or bring a printed copy - don't send the original photo please.


Just a reminder that the PP uniform is expected to be our school teal shirt, black tracksuit pants or black shorts or the school skort with hair tied up!

Parent Meetings

If you would like to catch up with me for a chat/meeting before the end of the term please email me at These meetings will be a great opportunity to have a chat about your child’s progress as the mornings and afternoons can be so busy!

Important information regarding Cross country on Thursday 13th June (Y1  Y6)

Our school cross country is being held at school next Thursday 13th of June. All students from Year One to Six will be participating.   Races will commence at 9.15am.


Although the Pre Primary students do not participate in the event, please note that:


  • The gravel carpark alongside the oval will be closed to vehicles in the morning, as the competitors will run through the southern end of this carpark.  However, it will remain open until 8.50am to enable Kindy Parents (only) to quickly drop their Kindy children off prior to the event.

It will be available for parent parking again at the end of the day.


  • Please do not park on the school side of Sloan Drive or in the Sloan Drive pick up lane as these areas will be part of the course for the older children.


  • If you do not have any children in Y1 – Y6, it would be helpful if you could depart the school as soon as possible after drop off to free up parking for parents who will be watching this event.

Kristie and the PPT team


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