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Week 2 Term 1

Hi Parents and care givers,

Thank you so much for the amazing first week we had in PPT. It is always a lot to get used to for everyone but all of the kids (and parents) took it in their stride!! As we have said before, quick drop offs work best. The next few weeks will take a lot of adjusting as well with school being 5 full days now. Be prepared for some pretty hefty meltdowns at home. Remember that the kids have to hold it together all day. You and home are your child's safe place where they can let it all out.  

Parent Information night

This Tuesday 6th February. PP-Year 2: 5pm followed by information session in the hall for all parents at 5.45pm. Years 3-6 6pm. The PP session will be held in the PP room and will be a joint PPT and PPA session. Please make sure someone attends so you can be 'up to speed' with what happens in the PP year of schooling.

Term 1: Value of Compassion

Our OLC focus value for this term is Compassion. We will be talking about what compassion looks like and how we can be compassionate people. This can also be supported at home.

VIA Character Strength

Parents, this week we are looking at developing the character strength of  Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence.  St Francis of Assisi saw the beauty in all of God’s creations and in nature itself. His life was one of great respect and mercy for all of God’s creation – people, animals, nature. Do you enjoy the beauty around you? Are you inspired by the goodness of others? 

Appreciation of 
Beauty & Excellence 
Feels awe and 
wonder in beauty 
Inspired by the 
good in others 
Values skills 
and talents 
"Nature is a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and 
grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness " Pope Francis

A few photos of PP at play...

Well done on surviving the first week of PP and the extreme weather we had. We look forward to week 2 .

Kristie, Rachel and Mel.


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